Stock Du Jour, Thu. Apr. 30, 2020, UAVS

Added on by C. Maoxian.

AgEagle Aerial Systems (UAVS) was the stock du jour, doing 421,000 trades and $248MM in volume. It was hard-to-borrow, so hard to borrow that my bookie didn’t have a single share to lend! IB had quite a few shares available at first but I stupidly didn’t pre-borrow any and they quickly disappeared. I’ve been told that Cobra had borrow and I’m seriously thinking about switching bookies … the opportunity cost from missing just this one is pretty huge (six figures if done right).

UAVS had a conference call that started at 11AM, I don’t know what happened, I never read the news, but I guess the CEO resigned? It doesn’t matter, what does matter is when it hit $4 I had a picture perfect entry (slow down the tape below and study it), just minutes before it went limit down and halted. It re-opened an hour later at $1.27. Pretty sick, as the kids say.

Some other in-play stocks were TXMD (didn’t play it but should have) with 44,800 trades; CDEV (51,900 trades) which gave a good spot pre-open, but I was not around then; THMO, which I tried to play but couldn’t get a fill on because of SSR, with 47,800 trades … MTDR, which I did play despite it being ETB, and I’m happy to say it was a pretty big winner, with 91,500 trades; and VXRT, which I also played pretty well except I got a bit impatient into the close and covered up just before it dropped another 25 cents to trigger SSR (a huge move in a $3 stock), but it too was a nice win. So I’m happy with today’s trading, all green bro, I was a good boy, and if I had had a borrow in UAVS, I can confidently say I would have made a frigging fortune in it.

But tomorrow is a new day, and one that could easily lead to disaster if I’m tilted.