Stock Du Jour, Tue. Apr. 14, 2020, SONN

Added on by C. Maoxian.

I’ve picked Chanticleer Holdings (SONN) as the HTB (hard-to-borrow) du jour; it did 108,000 trades on the day. AIKI was also in-play and did 149,000 trades, but it is on the Regulation SHO Threshold List and my bookie broker had no shares available to borrow. Somewhat predictably, AIKI dropped a midday offering, during a trading halt no less, though without a borrow I could not get involved beforehand.

NURO was a latecomer nanocap HTB and did 94,500 trades. WORX and ICD were both “Day Two” plays and I did short ICD. The borrow cost for ICD was 4.97 cents, for SONN was 5.93 cents, and NURO was all over the place so I paid between 3.57 cents and 9.7 cents a share.

Watch the video in slower motion using YouTube’s speed controls. Pause it, rewind it, watch at slow speed then at normal speed, etc. for all key points on the chart. The CQC column on the far right shows the cumulative quote count for the chart range (also useful to study). I’ve included my winning executions at the end of the video as always. Go full screen, 1080p. Enjoy!