Disillusioned with Liberals

Added on by C. Maoxian.

From David Brock’s interview on Booknotes:

“… at Berkeley I did become disillusioned with what I saw of left liberalism … I found the left to be intellectually intolerant. This was the very beginning of the whole PC movement, the PC controversy, where speakers who came to Berkeley such as Jeane Kirkpatrick were being shouted down and not permitted to present their own points of view. I found that even some of the arguments that I made as a newspaper editor on the campus daily were attacked. For example, I wrote a column praising the Grenada invasion in 1983, and the argument there was never on the merits of what I had said in the column. It was simply that an editor of the daily paper, the Berkeley Daily, a progressive newspaper, couldn't hold such obscene views. There was a lot of that at Berkeley. I wouldn't say that made me conservative, but it did make me somewhat disillusioned with liberals. I had always thought liberals were for freedom of thought and freedom of the press and all of that, and it turned out not to be the case in my experience.“