The Gilded Ghetto

Added on by C. Maoxian.

From Leslie Chang’s interview on Booknotes:

“… at the time that I knew her that was what she was trying to sort of realize her dream, was just gambling these amounts of money on speculation, especially the commodities market … But my mother's reason, which is the reason why many of these women do that kind of thing, is that--I think that she didn't know what to do with her life. You know, she was a little bit bored but very smart, and she had no other outlet. And so stocks were an interesting thing. And she has a lot of friends who do play stocks and read all about the different companies that are on the exchange. And I think that that's a way of channeling their energy into something that they feel is productive because they never had the chance to do that.“

All members of the Dragon Ladies’ Technical Analysis Association.