On Netflix. Another form of War Porn ... glorifying the security state and its agents (this time, the FBI). Fomenting fear in the little guy about threats from radical Islamic crazies, which are low probability to nonexistent in reality, but we have a military/security-industrial complex to maintain, and the entertainment-industrial complex is happy to lend a hand.
I probably wouldn't have made it through the first episode, but it stars this stunningly beautiful Indian girl ("subcontinent not Injun," as my friend Carl likes to say) named Priyanka Chopra, and I just like looking at her. She's not good looking from every angle, so they're careful how they shoot her, and she looks kind of dumpy/hippy from behind so they're careful not to get that shot too much, but she has great boobs or wears some kind of shapely push-up bra which makes her chest look outstanding.
The rest of the cast is really white ... there is one token black woman, who is the assistant director of Quantico, but that's it. The story itself is far-fetched and frankly dumb ... it's got mainstream, middle-brow, middle America broadcast TV values, second rate acting, a crummy musical score, all of which grate, but as I said, Chopra is just too gorgeous -- that hair, those eyes, those lips -- *not* to watch.
It's 42 minutes an episode so clearly "made for commercial TV." I'll suffer through the second episode and continue my report below.
Sexy FBI profiler unwittingly screws an unshaven fellow agent in a rental car (why would his car from California be at the airport? One of many sloppy mistakes.)
In episode two a token Hispanic agent (female) is introduced as well as a token homosexual analyst, to round out the Sesame Street cast. In episode one we learned that one of the agent recruits is pretending to be gay, and now he has to deal with an actual gay guy around (awkward).
There's some unrealistic violence, a fistfight between Chopra and the Hispanic woman agent (Latina? is that the politically correct term?) -- annoying. Musical score continues to drive me nuts. I'd like to soldier on but season one has 22! episodes ... I really don't know how many I can get through.
Chopra doesn't look so great in profile, but I may have misjudged her ass in episode one, so I will continue to study it in episode three. She has a great, sexy low voice and is not a native English speaker, fluent of course, just with a lovely non-native accent. It's nice to see this beautiful foreign woman, speaking accented English, starring in a TV show aimed at middle America.
All units be on the lookout for a stunningly beautiful Indian girl with amazing hair, full flips, and FBI training
Quit after finishing episode three. Dumb, improbable story ... second-rate broadcast TV vibe, and I got tired of looking at Chopra ... and the musical cues were driving me nuts!
Exactly how I felt by the end of the third episode. Time to quit Quantico!