Movies Watched -- 7 Prisoners (2021)

Added on by C. Maoxian.

In Portuguese. 93 minute running time so a perfect length. Good story, well told. This is a green-go. Finally a John Farr recommendation that pays off. Modern slavery in São Paolo in all its horror. This is a Netflix movie, so I don’t think it’s available on DVD, which is a shame. 7 Prisoners is a prisoner to the Netflix platform, but you should make an effort to see it.

Enough to keep this city up and running.

Movies Watched -- The Novice (2021)

Added on by C. Maoxian.

97 minute running time … shot at some college in Ontario, a W.D. By movie (Written and Directed By, someone’s baby) … I wasn’t thrilled with this … it’s about a hyper-competitive girl who, despite having no experience, wants to be the best rower on the college team for some inexplicable reason … her obsession and mania is never adequately explained … also she has a pinch-faced white-trash look which doesn’t work in the rowing world; her coaches look like rowers, but she sure doesn’t … also she’s too scrawny to row competitively. This was another not-so-great recommendation from John Farr.

Why a Former SMU Rower-Turned-Filmmaker Is Sharing Her Struggle .. interesting that she’s a sound editor in real life, since I had to turn on the subtitles for much of the movie to understand what was being said.

Hadaway before and after moving to LA photos:

Movies Watched -- Pleasure (2021)

Added on by C. Maoxian.

108 minute running time. About a Swedish girl who wants to become a porn star in America … it’s depressing, like all porn-related stuff … I saw the documentary “Hot Girls Wanted” (2015) many years ago, so my perspective on the reality of the industry was shaped by that … this fictionalized take doesn’t really compare to the real thing.

John Farr reco: “‘Pleasure’ is neither a standard cautionary tale nor a blunt indictment of what is admittedly a seamy, exploitative business. The director’s goal is simply to show it as it is.” It was already done years ago in “Hot Girls Wanted,” see that one instead.

Movies Watched -- The Innocents (2021)

Added on by C. Maoxian.

In Norwegian. 117 minute running time so 17 minutes too long, but this wasn’t bad. I liked the odd mix of council housing kids, is Norway really that ethnically diverse now? I guess in the subsidized housing it is. Cute story, no idea why it’s pitched as “a violent nightmare,” or “shocking,” it’s simply clever and cute. I almost want to give it a green-go rating, but it’s not that good … this was a John Farr reco: “An intentionally strange and effectively creepy film, horror fans in particular should seek out ‘The Innocents.’”

Movies Watched -- Compartment Number 6 (2021)

Added on by C. Maoxian.

In Russian. 107 minute running time so 10 minutes too long. This wasn’t bad, but it also wasn’t good enough to recommend because I couldn’t buy the story in the end, the Finnish girl wouldn’t have fallen for him, not a chance … she had guts though … I’ve been to Siberia and it really is that grim (yeah, I know Murmansk isn’t in Siberia, but same difference) … I’ve also taken a lot of long-distance train journeys in “soft sleeper” with strangers … anyway, it wasn't Tar-ible like so many other movies I’ve watched lately. This was a John Farr reco of course.

Mosaic USA Segment Description Changes

Added on by C. Maoxian.


B07 Generational Soup

C11 Aging of Aquarius

C13 Silver Sophisticates

D18 Suburban Attainment

E19 Full Pockets, Empty Nests

G24 Status Seeking Singles

H26 Progressive Potpourri

H27 Birkenstocks and Beemers

I30 Stock Cars and State Parks

I31 Blue Collar Comfort

J34 Aging in Place

K38 Gotham Blend

M44 Red, White and Bluegrass

M45 Diapers and Debit Cards

O51 Digital Dependents

O54 Striving Single Scene

P61 Humble Beginnings

Q62 Reaping Rewards

Q64 Town Elders

Q65 Senior Discounts

R66 Dare to Dream

R67 Hope for Tomorrow

S68 Small Town Shallow Pockets

S69 Urban Survivors

S70 Tight Money

S71 Tough Times


B07 Across the Ages

C11 Sophisticated City Dwellers

C13 Philanthropic Sophisticates

D18 Suburban Nightlife

E19 Consummate Consumers

G24 Ambitious Singles

H26 Progressive Assortment

H27 Life of Leisure

I30 Potlucks and the Great Outdoors

I31 Hard Working Values

J34 Suburban Sophisticates

K38 Modern Blend

M44 Creative Comfort

M45 Growing and Expanding

O51 Digital Savvy

O54 Influenced by Influencers

P61 Simple Beginnings

Q62 Enjoying Retirement

Q64 Established in Society

Q65 Mature and Wise

R66 Ambitious Dreamers

R67 Passionate Parents

S68 Small Town Sophisticates

S69 Urban Legacies

S70 Thrifty Singles

S71 Modest Retirees

Fiscal Year 2024 New York State Council on the Arts Grants for Onondoga County

Added on by C. Maoxian.

Breadcrumbs Productions, Inc. | Theatre | $20,000

Canal Society of New York State, Inc. | Museum | $30,000

New York Jazz Arts Foundation, Inc. | Music | $30,000

Central New York Jazz Arts Foundation, Inc. | Individual Artists | $10,000

CNY Arts, Inc. | Senate Initiative Grants | $1,000,000

CNY Arts, Inc. | Museum | $55,000

CNY Arts, Inc. | Individual Artists | $ 10,000

CORA Foundation, Inc.^The | Visual Arts | $40,000

Erie Canal Museum | Museum | $40,000

Erie Canal Museum | Individual Artists | $10,000

Everson Museum of Art of Syracuse and Onondaga County | Museum | $49,500

Greater Syracuse Young Men's Christian Association | Literature | $40,000

Greater Syracuse Young Men's Christian Association | Individual Artists | $10,000

India Community Religious and Cultural Center | Multidisciplinary | $15,000

Light Work Visual Studies Inc. | Visual Arts | $49,500

Light Work Visual Studies Inc. | Individual Artists | $10,000

Musical Associates of Central New York, Inc. | Music | $49,500

NYS Rhythm & Blues Festival | Music | $40,000

Onondaga Historical Association | Museum | $40,000

Punto de Contacto- Point of Contact, Inc. | Multidisciplinary | $20,000

Redhouse Arts Center Inc | Theatre | $40,000

S U Theatre Corporation | Theatre | $40,000

Schola Cantorum of Syracuse, Inc. | Music | $15,000

Syracuse Opera Company, Inc. | Theatre | $25,000

Syracuse Poster Project Inc. | Multidisciplinary |$15,000

Syracuse Society for New Music | Music | $40,000

Syracuse University | Individual Artists | $10,000

Syracuse University | Individual Artists| $10,000

Syracuse University | Special Arts Services | $40,000

Syracuse University | Individual Artists | $10,000

Syracuse University | Multidisciplinary | $40,000

Syracuse University | Individual Artists | $10,000

Syracuse University | Individual Artists | $10,000

The Skaneateles Festival. Inc. | Music | $40,000

United States Institute for Theatre Technology Inc | Multidisciplinary | $30,000


Total: $1,968,500

Fiscal Year 2024 New York State Council on the Arts Grants for Ontario County

Added on by C. Maoxian.

Friends of Bristol Valley Playhouse Foundation, Inc. | Theatre | $25,000

Friends of Ganondagan | Special Arts Services | $49,500

Geneva Concerts Inc. | Presenting | $15,000

Geneva Historical Society | Museum | $30,000


Main Street Arts, Inc. | Visual Arts | $40,000

Ontario County Historical Society | Museum | $25,000

The Arthur G. Dove Tribute Group Inc. | Museum | $15,000 

Total: $229,500